Welcome to Epic PlugFests

The PlugFest Consortium is Government, Industry, and Academia working on the same problem, at the same time, together to deliver interoperable and innovative technical solutions faster, better, and cheaper.

Thank you to the Epic Footprints Project (San Diego State University and Industry) for hosting this non-profit website that promotes using an open Rapid Innovation and Integration Platform (of best Practises and Standards, Trained People, and Processes) and PlugFests as a tools to help organizations solve problems using technology.

PlugFests are similar to Hackathons in that they help educate and motivate developers to use current software tools. However, our PlugFests focus on decision making and on needed answers. This iterative approach periodically updates government provided critical problems in intelligence, cyber security, and emergency management, and the availability of corresponding innovative technology solutions that solves those problems.





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